

The Augmenta® Field Analyzer is a 100% automated variable rate application (VRA) control that uses real-time crop conditions to automatically vary your application rates, taking the guesswork out of spraying. The field analyzer allows you to spray plant growth regulators (PGRs) and harvest aid chemicals such as burn-downs, desiccants, and defoliants to meet their unique needs, decrease your input costs, and increase yields. It utilizes a powerful 4K resolution camera to measure crop health in real-time at field speeds, varying the product rate applied based on the identified needs. 

The system is easy to install and operate, works with new and older sprayer and application equipment, and can be used with self-propelled and pull-type equipment. Request more information or download Augmenta's VRA brochure below!

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Live VRA Services

The Augmenta Field Analyzer also offers many add-on, easy-to-use services to meet your unique application needs. These add-on algorithms tailor the sensor's analysis of the data to measure and apply according to your application's specific requirements.
  • In-Season Nitrogen (N)
  • Plant Growth Regulators (PGR)
  • Harvest Aids (HA) / Desiccants
  • Multizone Nitrogen
  • Scouting

Key Features

  • Get crop health data, high-definition snapshots, and analysis, including Health Index Reports and Virtual Fertilization Maps.
  • Save on input costs, depending on crop conditions, rates, etc.
  • Secure, optimize, and increase yield depending on service, field variability, etc.
  • Improve long-term sustainability and minimize chemical waste.
  • Up to 138-foot field of view
  • Easy installation with one cab-mounted sensor
  • Up to five specialized LiveVRA services, including in-season nitrogen, fungicide, plant growth regulators, and harvest aids
  • View results from anywhere with in-cab and web-based applications.

Request More Information

Interested in learning more? Fill out the Augmenta contact form below, and one of our precision experts will connect with you!

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